Al Adamson: The Masterpiece Collection [Replication Error]

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Al Adamson: The Masterpiece Collection [Replication Error]

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

Via on May 18th 2020.
More details regarding the previously acknowledged replication error on disc 8 of the first batch of Al Adamson: The Masterpiece Collection: the error was introduced at our disc replicator, CAV. CAV usually does a full navigation and playability check on discs as part of their replication costs but for some reason, maybe due to their skeleton crew working over the past few weeks, this one slipped through. The good news is that as it's an error at the replication end and not an authoring error it should only take a few days to fix. Also: PLEASE NOTE that this only affects orders placed directly through the Severin site as these were shipped out early, and other retailers will get the corrected version before they fulfill any orders. As we have a record of all of these orders from our store YOU WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY SHIPPED A REPLACEMENT DISC DIRECTLY FROM CAV. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WRITE IN TO REQUEST THE REPLACEMENT DISC. We apologize on behalf of CAV for this blight on a set we are otherwise immensely proud of and contrary to internet rumors there have been no fatal issues found affecting any of the other discs in the box. Please enjoy the other 13 discs in the meantime and the replacement of Disc 8 should be with you by the end of this month, still ahead of street date from other outlets. If you have any further questions please write to
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