Death in Haiti AKA Al tropico del cancro: Peacock's Place AKA Tropic of Cancer AKA Peacock Place (1972)
Interest of different dubious people in a new drug leads to betrayal and murder.Director: Giampaolo Lomi, Edoardo Mulargia
Year of Copyright: 1972
Year of Production: 1972
Extras:DISC ONE (Blu-ray Copy)
* The Film
"Death in Haiti" 2017 interview with co-director Giampaolo Lomi (31:12, 576i, in French with forced French subtitles)
"Hallucinatory Journey" 2017 interview with co-director Edoardo Mulargia (19:14, 576i, in French with forced French subtitles)
"Giallo Caldo" 2017 interview with critic Francis Barbier (26:30, 1080p, in French)
"3 Gialli" 2017 interview with critic Fathi Beddiar (24:47, 1080p, in French)
"Tropic of Cancer in VHS mode" (91:01, 576i, in French)
Theatrical Trailer" (2:49, 576i, in German)
Bonus Trailers:
- "Don't Torture a Duckling" (3:47, 1080i, in Italian with forced French subtitles)
- "Opera" (1:44, 576i, in English)
- "Amuck" (3:51, 1080i, in English with forced French subtitles) -
Subtitles:English, French
Aspect Ratio:2.39:1
Picture Format:Anamorphic
TV System:PAL
Soundtrack(s):Italian Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
French Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono -
Case type:Keep Case
Notes:Limited to 1,000 copies.
Have you spotted a mistake in these specifications? If so, let us know via our forums. -
Extras:"Shot in Haiti" 2012 interview with co-director Giampaolo Lomi (31:51)
"Bruschini's Place" 2012 featurette (11:59)
Photo Gallery (93 images)
German Theatrical Trailer (2:42) -
Subtitles:English, German
Aspect Ratio:2.39:1
Picture Format:Anamorphic
TV System:PAL
Soundtrack(s):Italian Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
German Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono -
Case type:Digipak
Notes:Featurettes include optional German and English subtitles.
Have you spotted a mistake in these specifications? If so, let us know via our forums. -
Extras:"Shot in Haiti" 2012 interview with co-director Giampaolo Lomi (31:51)
"Bruschini's Place" 2012 featurette (11:59)
Photo Gallery (93 images)
German Theatrical Trailer (2:42) -
Subtitles:English, German
Aspect Ratio:2.39:1
Picture Format:Anamorphic
TV System:PAL
Soundtrack(s):Italian Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
German Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono -
Case type:Digipak
Notes:Featurettes include optional German and English subtitles.
Comes with a booklet featuring essay by Christian Kessler (German and English) -
Have you spotted a mistake in these specifications? If so, let us know via our forums. -
Extras:"Shot in Haiti" 2012 interview with co-director Giampaolo Lomi (31:51)
"Bruschini's Place" 2012 featurette (11:59)
Photo Gallery (93 images)
German Theatrical Trailer (2:42) -
Subtitles:English, German
Aspect Ratio:2.39:1
Picture Format:Anamorphic
TV System:PAL
Soundtrack(s):Italian Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
German Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono -
Case type:Digipak
Notes:Featurettes include optional German and English subtitles.
Comes with a booklet featuring essay by Christian Kessler (German and English) -
Special thanks to Rewind user William_King for providing these specifications.
Have you spotted a mistake in these specifications? If so, let us know via our forums. -
The French edition has more extras but they are not English-friendly.
- R0 Limited Edition France- Le Chat Qui Fume - No cuts
- R2 Austria- Illusions Unlimited Films - No cuts (90:49 PAL)
- R2 Germany- Camera Obscura - No cuts (90:49 PAL)
- R2 Switzerland- Camera Obscura - No cuts (90:49 PAL)
Do you own a release not listed? Then please visit our forums and let us know!
Comparison added by Samuel_Scott on 13/10/13
Comparison last updated by Eric_Cotenas on 04/02/25UPDATE LOG:
13/10/13: Initial entry.
Please ensure you read our disclaimer.
01/09/22: Typo.
25/09/22: Added title.
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