Which movie release date would you use when organizing?

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Which movie release date would you use when organizing?

Post by Erich_Wanh »

I organize my digital movies simply like this:

(yyyy-mm-dd) Movie [studio] / Disc ## / files

What's the best date to use when organizing? I know at the end of the day it all comes down to a matter of subjective preference, but I'm curious. Take John Dies at the End as an example. It premiered at Sundance 1/23/12, but it dropped into theaters 1/25/13. Should a small showing be the date used, or the first time it hit theaters proper?
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Re: Which movie release date would you use when organizing?

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

For our site we use the date it was first screened for an audience. But we only use years and not exact dates for our listings.
You should just organize it however it is convenient for you.
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